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This difficulty of perception results in the difficulty of having a "unique" experience of shipping container homes. A correct perception of a building generates an understanding of the architectural form. The architectural form would then be the sum of three substantial factors, combined organically and not in a hierarchy:
Structures (building elements);
Space (understood as the arrangement in the environment with full and empty volumes);
The drawing.
A perfect fusion of these three factors would make an architectural work a "work of art". An example can be the Gothic pillars of a basilica like Saint-Denis, near Paris: the structure is composed of specially carved and overlapping stone blocks; this structure gives life to a complete space, that is, to the volume of the pillar itself, which extends to the empty space of the nave; this volume has a three-dimensional design, but it is not only due to decorative motifs, but each semi-column that neglects it extends to precise architectural elements (from the arches, from the clerestory, to the reinforcements), so we can say that the three factors are inexorably linked .3132
volume and space
Main article: Architectural space
The evaluation of the built volume, which is the way of organizing and relating buildings in space, emerges as one of the constitutive factors of shipping container homes. Thus, we have two extremes, between which there is a wide range of possibilities:
volume-only shipping container homess;
shipping container homess based only on space.
By space is meant the creation of an "artificial" space created by the construction, which is finite, ordered and protected, unlike the open natural space.
An example of volume-only shipping container homes is a pure form like that of the pyramids, whose structure is dictated by the external form and is almost completely uninterested in the interior space. An opposite case of shipping container homes raised from space can be that of a Christian basilica, in which the external construction can be seen as a simple envelope determined by the internal space. An example of in-between interpenetration might be that of the Greek temple, where empty and full spaces are determined by precise relationships, with some elements of independent volume, such as columns, and others that would instead lose meaning if isolated from the context of the building at the same time. which they belong.
The study of architectural history is not just a mere exercise to identify styles and techniques and their evolution over time. It is also important to understand what a company has to do with a building, the technical knowledge and available materials that led to the construction. For example, one can list the objective differences between: an ancient Greek temple and a church. In ancient times, religious functions took place outside the building: the cell was reserved for the symbolic residence of the god, only very few priests entered here, while in the church the community of the faithful gathered inside, so it is clear that the building became a closed place for the practice of religious rituals.
In the realization of an architectural work, both the demands of a client and the inspiration and imagination of the prefab homes have always been a part. The lack of de facto buildings per se (when there is always at least one practical purpose for which the construction is intended) means that the aspect of the convergence of interests of artists and clients remained a key concept, compared to other forms of activity. art in which the author freed himself from the question.
The first examples of "shipping container homes" as a union of stability, functionality and beauty are not found in residential buildings - in ancient times, dictated only by basic subsistence needs - but in collective, religious or civil buildings. And in civilizations such as Mesopotamia or Egypt, where all the efforts of a community flowed into these works, including the need to beautify them as a mirror of their prestige and wealth.
An shipping container homes instinctively dedicated to beauty goes back to the origin of civilization, but it is in the Greek temple that most scholars agree to establish at least one fixed point in the evolution of the art of building: an unambiguous first objective. architectural structure complete with design, aesthetic and functional values, supported by the theory of architectural orders. The three types of Greek order (Doric, Ionic and Corinthian) relate to purely aesthetic issues and the birth indicates that they no longer looked at the building only from a functional point of view.
In the buildings, a series of values, with different degrees of intensity, that influenced the history and the form, merged over time:
functional values, linked to the specific needs of the individual and society;
symbolic values, related to realities of another order;
sacred values ??of the religious sphere;
social values, in relation to the characters and the configuration of the company;
other values ??(client or architect staff, universal values, etc.).
The aesthetic effect does not, therefore, derive from a mere visual impact: for example, in the shipping container homes of the modern movement, the idea was for the space to be modeled on the basis of precise functional requirements and, thus, obtaining an aesthetic result would derive from the perfect fulfillment of a function.
Prefab Modular 2x40' HC + 2x20' HC 2 Bedroom
Meadow on Deventer City Beach Shipping Container
Seoul Youth Zone Shipping Container Building
3 Story Shipping Container House with Inner Courtyard
Two-Story Shipping Container House Built from
Shipping Container 4 Story House - Office, Cafe
Shipping Container Home with Artificial Green Roof
Shipping Container Homes by Steele House
Beautiful Two-Story 4x40ft and 1x20ft Shipping Container Home
Simple but Sophisticated and Aesthetic
Modular 4 x 40' Shipping Container Office, Brazil
3 Bedroom Shipping Container Home, New Orleans
Beautiful Two Story Shipping Container Home, Peru
20 ft Small and Cozy Shipping Container House, NSW
Shipping Container Cabins and Homes by Tomecek
2x40 ft and 2x20 ft Shipping Container Home by Pro
White Minimalist Shipping Container Home
EBA51 - Shipping Container Student Village
Sheltainer - Modular Shipping Container Housing
Shipping Container Low-Cost Single-Family Home, Peru
Shipping Container Homes, Buildings and Structures
Beautiful 3000 sqft 5 Bedroom Shipping Containers
Casa Conteiner RD - 3 Bedroom Shipping Container
LightHotel - 120 sq ft Shipping Container Tiny Home
Puruna Observatory - Shipping Container Education
4x45 ft Shipping Container Home with Metal Siding
3 Bedroom Tropical Shipping Container Home, Indonesia
La Casa Container - 2 Bedroom Shipping Container Home
Box Hop Shipping Container Homes, Ohio, USA
50 sqm 1 Bedroom Prefab Shipping Container Houses
Simple Shipping Container Home Built with 2x40 ft
Single Story Shipping Container Home
2007 Design Excellence / Innovation AIA - Award
3000 sq ft Shipping Container House, Phoenix, Arizona
1300 sqft 3 Bedroom Shipping Container Home, Minnesota
Beach Box Shipping Container Home, Sunshine Coast
2,500 sqft Shipping Container House, Houston, Texas
1000 sqft Shipping Container Home, Seattle, Washington
Autodesk Shipping Container Conference Room
Shipping Container Apartments for Rent, Phoenix
Shipping Container Backyard Office, BC, Canada
Shipping Containers Inside Split Level Home, Seattle
Shipping Container Home Addition, Austin, Texas
3 Bedroom Shipping Container Home, Bruce Township
4000 sqft 4 Bedroom Shipping Container Home, New Jersey
Self-Sufficient and Movable Shipping Container Hotel
Shipping Container Homes California - Architects
Weekend Shipping Container Home, Idaho
1 Bedroom Shipping Container Home, El Prado
Two-story 2000 sqft Shipping Container Home, Arizona
Cocoa Research Station for Chocolate Manufacturing
Escape Den - Shipping Container Home with Decks
Educan Dog Training Centre
Lots.Sathon - Cozy Shipping Container Coffee Shop
Municipal Public Library Made of Used Shipping Containers
Weekend Retreat Three 20ft Shipping Container Home
Hurricane-Proof Shipping Container House
Common Ground - World’s Largest Modular
Platoon Kunsthalle and Pop Kudamm - Mixed Use
H-Container Home: 40 ft Shipping Container
The Cargo District - Shipping Container Community
1600 sqft Modular Shipping Container Home on Pillars
Portable Cabin - Two Containers Year-Round Living
Barndominium Style 900 sqft Shipping Container Home
Cozy 40 ft Shipping Container Home
20 ft Shipping Container Home with Space-Saving
Lovely Little 3x20 ft Shipping Container Home
Shipping Container Restaurant with Inner Courtyard
Casa P406 - 1200 sq ft Shipping Container Summer Home
Black Box - 4 x 20 ft Shipping Container Home, BC
Flowers in the Garden by Eu Jin Lim
DIY Small Off-Grid 20 ft Shipping Container Home
Under $100k Mortgage-Free Home?
Bureau Agreste by Hugues Hernandez, Morgan
Three 20 ft Containers Micro-Luxe Container Living
$950,000 2500 sq ft Shipping Container Home
Guide to Building the Mythical Inexpensive
Ahurewa Eco Retreat - 700 sq ft Off-Grid Shipping
Modular Shipping Container Home on Steep Slope
650 sqft Shipping Container Home - Three Small
Extremely Comfortable Shipping Container Home
DIY Modular Shipping Container Home Addition, Richmond
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