Instadp is a free tool that lets you browse through the profiles of others and download their pictures and videos. This tool is helpful for business accounts as well as simple users who want to get closer to their followers. Its other features include a search function that lets you search for users, hashtags, and locations.
Insta DP Download works on any web browser and allows you to view profile pictures of other users. It also allows you to download their profile pictures in full size. Unlike other tools, InstaDP is completely anonymous, so no one can know that you are downloading their content. Users can also download photos, videos, and reels without compromising their privacy.
Another great feature of InstaDP is that it allows you to download a person's Instagram profile picture. The profile picture provides a small hint about who the person is, which is useful when trying to find friends. Some private accounts have similar names, which makes it difficult to differentiate between them. InstaDP helps you find your friends even if they have a private account. It's also helpful for marketing campaigns.
Another feature of Insta DP is that it lets you download profile photos from Instagram without signing up. You can just type the username of the person into the search box on the homepage, and it will download the photo to your computer in high quality. While this tool isn't a substitute for Instagram, it does make it easier to back up your photos.